Le R*ck est m*rt
{pour toujours}
  samedi, mai 14, 2005
ec   {18:11}
si vous voulez m'entendre grogner et hurler

bien content

  vendredi, mai 13, 2005
Guy Mercier   {16:16}
alors il est reparti à Venise l'autre Louis XIV avec son art contemporain tout pourri dans ses mains
je ne sais pas pourquoi je vous parle de ça huh.

francoise massacre   {13:34}

"They all got really ugly on him. They said, 'Sing for us!' So I jumped up and I said, 'Fuck you guys! I'll sing for you. I'm better than him.' They threw a guitar up. He [Dylan] said, 'Can you sing?' And I go, 'Sort of.' I said, 'OK, everybody, give me a subject...you, Bob Dylan, give me a subject and I'll imitate you. He gave me 'walls'.

(SINGING LIKE BOB] ' Walls, walls, walls...'

And I imitated him and he played Bob Dylan chords for me.

[SINGING AGAIN] ' The walls... .uh. . .of the prison...'

Well, everybody was shocked because this other guy - who was me - at that moment in time had his voice. And he's sitting there and he's not having to sing for these assholes. Instead they're waiting for me to fail but I'm not failing and it's the real Bob Dylan playing real Bob Dylan chords.

[SINGING AGAIN] 'I climbed every wall in this city, I climbed every wall in my dreams, The walls were there...'

...or whatever it was. And I can't do it quite accurately anymore but at the time I did and people got disgusted and they all one at a time just left. And then it was him and me. 'You ought to make records', he said, 'you're good.' And I said, 'Well, thank you. You're good too.'

I was a guy who asked him a question on how he wrote songs; I was a guy who he let crash his party and take his food; then I got rid of the woman by distracting her; and then I jumped up when a bunch of hippies would have torn him apart. So that's what happened. All within about three days. I never saw him again. He told Al Kooper that I was an interesting guy to talk to...
" KF

  jeudi, mai 12, 2005
Guy Mercier   {23:46}
a. Albums that do not qualify in the regular sections, but contain enough Dylan covers to deserve mention. Albums must satisfy one of these other rules:
b. At least 50% of the tracks are Dylan covers.
c. There are 10 or more Dylan covers, regardless of the percent of total.
d. The album title is a Dylan title, or derived from one, and the album contains at least 3 Dylan covers.
e. The album is somehow related to another included album.
f. A compilation with a sub-section titled as a Dylan-covers section.
g. An executive decision to include it despite failing a thru f.

What Bob Dylan is capable of saying with his magical way with words, Duane Eddy is capable of saying instrumentally.

Sébastien M.   {12:31}
Ma tête



Guy Mercier   {10:42}
il faudrait re-découvrir MX-80, ce sera pour plus tard dans la journée, là, je me contenterais de sa femme

  mercredi, mai 11, 2005
Guy Mercier   {22:10}
être allemand
en fait je me dis que je préférerais être anglais
d'abord j'arrive à faire le même sourire qu'elton john
ensuite je hais tony blair
enfin, je suis contre l'europe du capital
j'ai acheté un disque
je me rends compte que kim fowley est un personnage central de
ma mythologie
être américain, ça non

  mardi, mai 10, 2005
francoise massacre   {11:34}
cry mea river

  lundi, mai 09, 2005
Guy Mercier   {19:52}
bright lights, big city
je conduis dans le noir
une femme avec un chien énorme
tenu en laisse
ce chien énorme qui s'arrête
et hurle, j'écoute une version
un peu mièvre
de leader of the pack
qui en fait s'appelle johnny surfboard
une femme avec un chien
bandes adidas noir et blanc
seule avec son chien, son mec à le même
les gens achètent des baguettes de pain
plus chères, le petit mec dégueulasse achète
son petit pain, son petit fromage, ses gateaux
ses pâtes, plus chers
tout plus cher, je circule dans le noir
j'écoute cette musique qui pille le doo-wop
tout est rangé moi aussi j'achète des trucs plus
j'essaye de ne pas trop me plaindre
choisir son camp
martini, porto, whisky
rien n'est plus sale
les musiciens sont de plus en plus propres
les musiques sont propres
tout se retrouve dans telerama
tout se retrouve dans des mp3blogs
tout est propre


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