
commandes de Beat Happening, trois bouilles d'Américains regroupés
dans leur camp de base, à Olympia, Washington. Un fier esprit d'indépendance
affiché nez au vent, derrière l'écusson protecteur aux couleurs du
label K, le trio qui a l'air de faire la moitié de son âge a l'air
décidé et punk, du genre « je fais ce que je veux ».
Calvin (par ailleurs un des chefs chez K) chante de sa belle voix
grave, chant approximatif (c'est un genre à part entière, irrésistible),
Heather chante aussi et joue de la batterie (école Moe Tucker), et
Bret joue de la guitare, souvent noisy, des vagues de bruit ou juste
quelques notes autour des chansons traînantes des autres.
Black Candy comme sur Jamboree, les trois jouent en
lo-fi leurs chansons pour feu de camp réinventé. Des comptines
et ritournelles pour voix muées, enregistrées sans artifices ni effets
comme, enfin majeurs et libres, on profite des nuits à la belle étoile
pour aborder les questions graves de l'existence, imaginer des vengeances
contre la cruauté des jolies blondes populaires de l'école et les
soirées pyjama, qui seront désormais organisées dans des maisons hantées
(pajama party in a haunted hive) ou pour trouver la formule
qui rend amoureux.
réinventent un jamboree pas scout, libéré, dansent (danse
de sioux, dégingandée) autour du foyer (bonfire) avant de se
regrouper, joues rougies de chaleur, dos bientôt frissonnant dans
le froid du milieu de la nuit, pour approcher les ombres et réfléchir
aux mystères (cast a shadow, gravedigger blues) d'un
peu plus près. L'été indien (indian summer) semble la meilleure
saison pour profiter de pareille soirée, tout au nord des USA près
de la frontière canadienne, sous les feuilles rouges prêtes à tomber,
avant l'engourdissement de l'hiver qui rend d'avance mélancolique.

1988, K RECORDS. LP/CD reedition
Car Girl
a Go-Go
Many Boyfriends Club

1989, K RECORDS. LP/CD reedition
a Shadow
a Haunted Hive
Digger Blues
1982, Olympia, WA
Beat Happening was among the truly seminal and influential
American bands of the post-punk era, a paragon of pop minimalism,
rebellious innocence and indie defiance. The linchpin of the
Olympia, Washington-based International Pop Underground, they
adopted a stance in direct opposition to the accepted norms
at the heart of rock music; ignoring all notions of pretense,
professionalism and stardom, Beat Happening created an
unorthodox, raw sound which democratically rotated vocal, guitar
and drum duties between members while jettisoning bass altogether.
Dropping their last names to further emphasize their everyman
approach, members Calvin (Johnson), Heather (Lewis)
and Bret (Lunsford) expressed simple truths and simple
emotions with simple music, favoring off-key, tuneless vocals
and three-chord primitivism over slick, processed packaging;
implicit in their work was also a rejection of major-label trappings,
as the group steadfastly remained with K Records, Calvin's
self-owned imprint and a model of D.I.Y. indie success. Beat
Happening formed in the early 1980s; Calvin, a longtime
fixture of the Olympia scene who also helped establish the original
Sub Pop fanzine (the basis for the subsequent
label), had already founded K, originally a cassette-only project
started to release music no other company would touch. An alumnus
of the short-lived Cool Rays, Calvin teamed with
Heather and assorted friends in the first incarnation
of Beat Happening, playing shows whenever and wherever
they could as long as the performances were held at all-ages
venues; his canyon-deep baritone quickly became as much a group
trademark as their sardonic, even juvenile songs. After Bret
joined in mid-1983, Beat Happening issued their debut
five-song cassette a year later; a sightseeing trip to Japan
followed, and while in Tokyo, the trio recorded their second
effort, 1984's Three Tea Breakfast EP. Their 1985
eponymous full-length debut, produced by the Wipers'
Greg Sage, brought Beat Happening their first
widespread exposure, as well as a number of comparisons to the
burgeoning British twee-pop scene spearheaded by the Pastels.
A long layoff followed prior to the release of 1988's remarkable
Jamboree, co-produced by Mark Lanegan and
Gary Lee Conner of the Screaming Trees. The four-song
joint release Beat Happening/Screaming Trees surfaced
a few months later, trailed by 1989's Black Candy.
With the release of 1991's Dreamy, Beat Happening's
influence on the indie community became increasingly pronounced;
not only did the blossoming cuddle-core movement owe the trio
a huge debt, but in the summer 1991 Calvin masterminded
the International Pop Underground Festival, a now-legendary
concert spotlighting over 50 bands -- among them Bikini Kill,
Fugazi, Scrawl, the Fastbacks, L7,
and Mecca Normal -- all aligned in their opposition to
corporate music. The sublime You Turn Me On followed,
but apart from "Not a Care in the World," a track contributed
to a 1992 Sub Pop sampler given away free to readers of Sassy
magazine, Beat Happening spent much of the decade in
limbo as Calvin focused on his Dub Narcotic Sound
System project as well as the Halo Benders, a band
founded with Built to Spill's Doug Martsch. Despite
their absence from the stage and the studio, the trio maintained
that they had not disbanded, and reportedly continued practicing
on a monthly basis. ~ Jason Ankeny, All Music Guide