
Dear Guy Mercier
The disastrous Directive to extend the term of copyright protection for sound recordings to 70 years is back on the European Council’s agenda. The FT called the proposal ‘disgraceful’ in an editorial in 2009. The evidence says the move is unwise. Yet without action it looks like the plans will soon become law.

But we can stop this. You can help by writing to your MEPs now to tell them about your concerns, and ask them to make sure the Directive gets proper scrutiny from the European Parliament. You can read more about why writing to your MEP will help on our blog.

The economic evidence is stacked against the proposal. it will benefit only a small number of artists and businesses. Leading IP professors, the UK government’s ‘Gowers Review’ of IP, and independent analysts commissioned by the EU have all said that extending the copyright term is unwise. It will result in large parts of our cultural history being locked up. You can read more about the evidence here.
This is a dreadful idea that will damage our cultural realm for the benefit of a vanishingly small number of people.
So please write to your MEP now and let’s try and see this off.
Thank you,

Jim Killock,
Executive Director, Open Rights Group

Merci, Jim
comme les lecteurs de ce bl*g ont désormais compris qu’il faut détruire la propriété privée et abolir le travail
ils feront ce qu’ils doivent
