backstreet boys chez foucault en 1996

requête d’un requêtant aboutissant ici quelque part
le plus étrange c’est qu’en la lisant j’ai pensé michel foucault Lively, even restless sometimes, Michel FOUCAULT, your thoughts are roaming, prolific, fluctuating: you are interested in many things and your “Jack of all trades” side is part of your charm, even if you have difficulties in concentrating and completing what you start. Your emotions are particularly active during your contacts and your frequent travels. You almost chat too much sometimes, mixing practical and affective matters, often changing your mind. However, you are very intuitive when it comes to instantly grasp the personality of the person you are dealing with. If you are a journalist or a writer, you probably have chosen the best direction for you! Relations with females are usually favoured, or at least, they are numerous and intense. et voilà