argent trop cher (brève)

« What do you think about punk bands on major record labels?

I think of punk as a free space—it is the free space. It’s a place in music where new ideas are presented. That’s what it means. So, I can’t acknowledge or accept that a punk band can be on a major label. To my mind, by definition, that’s antithetical.

That doesn’t mean the people in the bands aren’t punks—they may very well be. But the decisions they’ve made have been made on a profit motive. Their band has turned into just a conventional job.

But who the fuck am I? I’m just some guy. And people in some of those bands are my friends. I don’t hold it against them. I’m not angry with them. I just find it impossible to accept. If they’re on a major label, they aren’t a punk band. »

« Genre
Concert – Punk – Rock

Dates & Lieux

* Transbordeur – Lyon Villeurbanne le 20/04/2009 à 20h00
* Le Phare – Toulouse Tournefeuille le 22/04/2009 à 19h30
* Bataclan – Paris le 23/04/2009 à 19h30

Le Phare : 29,00 €
Bataclan & Transbordeur : 33,00 €

Enfin, moi, je dis ça, je dis rien, mais tant qu’à passer par là…