mes pensées exactement

{je fais un effort pour parler français alors forcément on dirait du manoeuvre}

Vampire Weekend – “Contra”

Yeah we know this record comes out next week, but since we’ve already been subjected to 3 songs of it and were assaulted by the bitch’s face that adorns this pile of shit everywhere we looked in 2009, thanks to the “viral marketing” campaign their image consultant came up with for the promo, this record is on the list. Yeah, we get it dorks, you wear Polo shirts with popped collars and like chicks who do the same. Congrats. Led by a former white rapper from Columbia University (don’t believe us, check ““ for his “ironic” hip hop stylings) who apparently got a hold of an afro-beat record between trips to the Lacoste store in the Hamptons, this band crowbars that style in with wuss-rock and the results are dick-shrivelingly lame. Do you really care what a group with that kind of biography’s SECOND album sounds like? Buy the Extra-Golden record instead.
